Ayurveda is an ancient Indian health system based on the balance of three energies known as doshas. These doshas represent different combinations of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - and influence our physical and mental constitution. Each of us has a unique blend of these doshas that can influence our personality, preferences and even our health. Ayurveda aims to balance these doshas to promote health and well-being.
Do you already know your personal dosha? You can access the detailed, free Dosha test here.
The dosha test helps you to identify your dominant doshas by asking questions about different aspects of your physical, emotional and mental constitution. Typically, such a test includes questions about your physique, your skin, your sleep patterns, your digestion, your emotional state and your behaviour under stress. Based on your answers, an analysis is carried out to determine which doshas are most pronounced in you. This allows you to develop a better understanding of your personal constitution and take appropriate action to support your balance and improve your health. It's a pretty fascinating way to learn more about yourself and apply Ayurvedic principles to your life.
The Dosha Balance Packages from
yocoveda® contain valuable products that balance and harmonise the respective doshas. There is the Vata Balance Package, Kapha Balance Package, Pitta Balance Package and Tridosha Balance Package.